I love having savory breakfasts! I like them much more than sweet ones. You might not know because I mostly post sweet breakfast recipes, but that’s because I mostly share plant based ones and I think it is so hard to make vegan savory breakfasts. But since I try to include more plants into my diet, K decided to share a vegan breakfast dish that is savory, especially for all those without a sweet tooth. We do not have to miss out on savory stuff when we want to eat vegan from time to time.

The thing, that I think is most difficult, when not including animal products into your breakfast, is not eating eggs. I absolutely love eggs and think there is nothing better than an avocado toast with poached eggs but sometimes I just like to switch it up. I got inspired to create this dish when I ate at a restaurant in Vienna, which is called Karmafood, that is mostly plant based/ vegetarian. I had a vegan breakfast sandwich and it was soooo good, so I decided to try to recreate it.

At first I thought „mushrooms for breakfast“? Wait, no way! I can’t do that! But it actually is super delicious! It is not like soggy mushrooms, it just tastes really good in the combination with all of the other ingredients. So let me tell you what this sandwich (or topped bread) is made of:
We start out by roasting a sourdough bread. You can use a white bread, but I like to use a mixed one, which is partially whole wheat and partially not. If you want, you can also use a whole grain bread or if opting for a gluten free version, use sweet potato toasts! This really is up to you! We toast that bread in a toaster, because crispy bread is just way better! If you want to be super fancy, you can butter or spread margarine on both sides and toast it in a pan. This adds extra flavor but is a little more work!

Once we have our bread, we can continue with the rest. Next comes hummus. I like to use curry hummus, just because I really like it, but normal one works just as good. So we spread a thick layer of that. Next up are some greens. I like to use mixed greens, but if you prefer to stick to one kind, that works. You see this is really versatile! The greens in here do not radically change the flavor but add a lot of vitamins! So it’s great! We continue to add even more greens, this time in form of avocado. Because… what would a breakfast sandwich be without avocado? Well, not a good one at least!

So now we have the base. We continue to add more vegetables. Next up: cherry tomatoes. I like the touch of color and flavor they add! Sautéeing them helps to not let them taste super different from the rest but it helps them to work in a harmony with the other ingredients! Ok top, now only go mushrooms. I would recommend to use shiitake mushrooms, because they are pretty big.you can also use other ones if you prefer, just make sure that they are pretty big. On top only goes another dollop of hummus, and a drizzle of hot sauce, if you like. I live it spicy, so for me it always is a must!

I love making this for a quick breakfast, because wir literally comes together in like 10 minutes. You can also serve it for brunch or make a cute buffet with all the different things and people can build their own ones! I hope this gives you some inspiration for savory, plant based breakfast ideas! Let me know if you like it and if you decide to recreate it be sure to tag me with @uneptcusiniere or with #unepetitecuisiniere !
Open Vegan Breakfast Sandwich
An ideal breakfast for all those who want to eat more plant based but still stay savory. Super delicious and simple.
What you will need
- 2 slices bread you can use whichever you want; sourdough, white, whole wheat, whatever
- 4 tbsp hummus
- 1 handful greens
- 1/2 avocado
- 5-6 shiitake mushrooms
- 12 cherry tomatoes
- some sprouts, more hummus and hot sauce for topping (optional)
How to
That is how it works:
Toast the two slices of bread in the toaster.
Meanwhile heat up the oil in a pan. Remove the stems of the mushroom. Once hot, add the mushrooms and sauté them for about 3 minutes on each side until soft. Remove them and add the cherry tomatoes in. Let them soften for about 2-3 minutes.
Meanwhile, remove the bread from the toaster. Generously spread the hummus. Add the greens on top. Slice up the avocado and layer the slices on top of the greens. Take the mushrooms and add them in top along with the sauteed cherry tomatoes.
Finish it up with another dollop of hummus, some sprouts and hot sauce if wished!
Serve and enjoy!