New year, new me! Not quite to be honest – more like new year, same me. In general I am not a huge fan of New Years resolutions because why do we need to wait for a certain day or date to change something (that in most cases we change to better our lives)? If you genuinely want to change something – do it now. Why wait and only waste time? Anyway, while the month of January gets so much attention for changes that we want to make, some things stay the same – just as my January top 5, which were highly requested and now are here.
To be honest, I did not actually plan on making January Top 5 – that also is the reason they are coming so late – but you really really wanted them so that’s why I had to make them 🙂 ! A food of the month, a recipe you NEED to try, a workout that will make you feel good, a product that you do not want to miss out on and an inspiration that may be something for you!
Food of the month: quinoa

Quinoa is a superstar. I can remember the first time it came up and everyone was celebrating it as a health trend but surprisingly, unlike many other health trends, it really tastes good. Quinoa actually is an ancient grain, which its origin in South America, which has already been eaten about 3000-4000 years ago.
The part you can eat from the plant actually are just the seeds, which are cooked in water, just like rice, which makes it very easy to cook swell. But why is it celebrating as being that healthy? Quinoa has a great nutritional value, different from many other grains. Per 100g it has about 65g of carbohydrates. pretty much the same as wholegrain pasta and a bit less than white rice, 7g of fibre, which is great for your digestion, compared to 5g in whole-wheat spaghetti and 1.3 in white rice. And probably the best: it has 14g (!) of protein compared to about 7 in rice or (whole-wheat) pasta. This is pretty much twice the amount!

Since Veganuary is a big thing again this year, I know it can be challenging to get enough plant based protein if the usual source of protein is meat, dairy or eggs. But getting enough plant based protein actually is not that challenging. Already 100g of quinoa provide 14g of protein, which is a decent amount. Furthermore, quinoa is naturally gluten free and loaded with minerals & vitamins such as Iron, Magnesium and Zinc.
Besides all the nutritional and health benefits, quinoa is SO versatile and can be SO delicious! You can use it as a side dish, as a base in buddha bowls, throw it into salads or wraps for more carbs and fibre, make burgers out of it, breakfasts, and so on. The options are pretty much endless because Quinoa has a pretty neutral taste.
On the blog you can find several recipes including quinoa! My favourites are the Black Quinoa and Teriyaki Burger and the quinoa breakfast bowl with herbed Tahini and there are more to come this month!
Recipe of the month – Cinnamon Roll French Toast Sticks

This recipe is unreal. I can only tell you so much. Think about the cinnamony taste of a fresh cinnamon roll and then the crispy on the outside and soft on the inside kind of bite when you are having a French toast. This recipe is both of them combined.
It really is easy to make, easy to eat, and easy to crave 🙂 You basically just make a regular French toast and the roll it in cinnamon – coconut sugar to finish it up, which really is a game changer. When you serve it with yoghurt and frozen, stewed berries, you can dip it into the berries and it just is heaven.
Perfect for a Sunday breakfast or brunch in bed, when friends are over, a quick lunch or breakfast-for-dinner situation, a delicious dessert or just a great meal to make when you have leftover bread, that you do not want to go bad.
Workout of the month – trainandtone

Train and Tone, which originally was Pop Pilates is a fitness studio, which has been founded by Mariana and David, two siblings, who share the same passion for fitness and good music. In their (mostly body weight) workouts they combine these two aspects to create a unique workout experience.
The first time I tried them out I went to their studio in the fourth district about a year ago. It was super small and so nice. From the entrance into the studio, throughout the whole class until the end, when you leave you just feel happy and are surrounded by good vibes, good music and happy instructors. That is what makes Train and Tone so special, the love and passion behind every single detail in their workout and in their studios.
Then came lockdown but Mariana and David only got more inventive and actually were one of the first ones who started doing virtuell, real time, live workout classes. And have kept going ever since then. And they have improved. You now can choose from 7 trainers and 7 classes. The classes all focus on something different and are suitable for any fitness level since the trainer gives different variations for each exercise.
The classes are 9€ each or 8€ if bought in a block of ten and happen during zoom! Really great workout fun, mostly strength focused rather than HIT and I promise you – you’ll feel the burn afterwards!
Product of the month – Very Nice Studio Collection

Very Nice Studio is a graphic design studio by two very nice ladies. Julia & Vanessa’s goal is to turn brands into friends with unique and eye catching branding. They do not only create stunning designs for brands but also their Instagram page ( @verynice.studio ) where they share inspirational and amazingly designs quotes, thoughts and tools on a daily basis.
In December they launched their first collection in the very nice shop, which is made up of shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, and some accessories. And they are amazing. I basically live in them, not kidding. Made from organic and recycled materials. Soso super soft!

On the outside they have got quotes, graphics or just words printed, which make them look really cool and unique. You can get them with three themes: 24/7 happy hour, good days ahead or enjoy/ panic. I have got the hoodie in 24/7 happy hour and the shirt in happy hour. And these themes are not just themes but they have a thought behind them. If you go check out the shop, you’ll find a little description for every single one plus some tips on how to implement them.
These cloths really are not just something to throw on, like a regular piece of clothing but they were designed and created with a thought, a mission, love and passion. Plus, they are incredibly comfortable to wear!
Inspiration of the month – the things you can only see when you slow down

The things you can only see when you slow down: how to be calm in a busy world.
Actually my dad gifted me this book for Christmas because he knew I needed it. I am a perfectionist, I always want to get everything done and I always want to be on top of things. But always doing something can be stressful, especially mentally. So this book came in perfect timing.
And no, this is not a self-care guide, not in the least. This book was written by the Korean Monk Heamin Sunim, who became popular through Facebook. There he gave his followers advice on life challenges and problems they faced. After years of giving advice he decided to sum it all up and write a book. And this book really is valuable. It does not tell you that you are doing everything right or that everything is beautiful but through quotes like „is the world that busy or is it your mind“ and mini essays it makes you think and reflect.
In his book he covers 8 different topics and has already inspired more than 3 million people worldwide with the wisdom about the importance of slowing down. Also included in the Times Top 10 bestsellers. Definitely worth a read if you feel overwhelmed, stressed, not at peace with yourself or the world or if you just want to reflect a bit.
I hope that these inspirations, ideas and things are a help for you to guide you through the month of January. I hope you are having an amazing start into the new year and may it be filled with happiness, gorgeous moments and lots of time with your favourite people.
Katie // Une Petite Cuisinière
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